Obama Care

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act



CAP Conference 2016The National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) held its 26th annual Capitol Conference on Feb. 22-24 in Washington, D.C. The theme of the meeting was “Benefits Specialists: Leading the Way to Healthcare Stability.” Nearly 800 health insurance professionals from across the country did just that by promoting resolutions for healthcare issues to congressional leaders.

Local agent Keith Jordano attended the conference, both for the opportunity to learn more about healthcare reform and its impact on healthcare consumers, as well as to communicate the role of the agent and brokers to Congress. He visited with the offices of representatives Patrick Murphy, Lois Frankel and Ted Deutch from Florida.

Jordano has been a licensed insurance professional for more than 25 years and an NAHU partner for several years. This was his sixth Capitol Conference. The Palm Coast Association of Health Underwriters is one of more than 200 NAHU chapters across the country.

Guest speakers included key congressional leaders from both sides of the aisle charged with implementing the healthcare reform law.

“It is important that we continue to provide our members with the tools they need to stay informed about health reform and what has been implemented, while also giving them a voice to have an impact on regulations that have yet to be made,” NAHU CEO Janet Trautwein said. “We are educating agents and brokers so they know what to expect and how to best prepare and assist their clients.”

The Palm Coast Association of Health Underwriters represents area professional health insurance agents and brokers. For more information, call Claire Teller at (561) 272-0720 or e-mail mediarelations@pcahu.org.

ABOVE: Keith Jordano with Rep. Patrick Murphy and other insurance representatives visiting Washington, D.C.

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